Squatch Smashers Comedy Podcast
Home of the Most of your Money Back Squatch Smashin' Guarantee!
6 years ago

Core of Darkness Mantle of Trust

Mini Episode Fifteen point Five

Mini Episode 015.5 Notes

Squatch Smasher Comedy Podcast Website It's Already Been Done Presents

In this Squatch Smashers mini-episode A clip from the beloved serial Dramedy: The Adventures of Janice, Strong Capable Woman, and Friendly Sal featuring the beloved "fan-favorite" characters, Capable Janice and Friendly Friendly Sal.

(Janice is the assistant to Master Chad who had Zeke sign some papers one time and Friendly Friendly Sal is the owner and proprietor of FRIENDLY FRIENDLY SAL’S DISCOUNT REAL HAIR WIGS AT A DISCOUNT! in the Dunglewood Mall.

Why did we do this episode? I am not at liberty to say.

This mini-episode was written by George Pete Caleodis, and Matt McDonald and... Alan Smithee.

Performed, against their will, by Dino Tripodis as Sal and Kelly Workoetter as Janice, in the role she was married to me to play. Also George is the one announcer guy.

Our web site - www.squatchsmashers.com - has links to support groups that deal in pun-related PTSD, as well as complaint forms that go directly to the smart watches of Messrs McDonald and Caleodis. Normal episodes of Squatch Smashers will resume in early September. They will have narrative through lines and everything.

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