Squatch Smashers Comedy Podcast
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6 years ago

S1:E12 – Jake Mallet Private Investigator

A couple of Sick Twists get the 3rd degree

Jake Mallet - Private Investigator

This week, Vlad forgets to book a guest (and it is clearly all his fault) but a wiley Private Investigator shows up and gives the guys the third degree.

Written by Matt McDonald and Darren Esler and George Pete Caleodis

Vlad the Vampire: George Pete Caleodis. Please follow him on twitter @caleodis.

Zeke Delfour / Big Wheezy: Darren Esler

P.I. Jake Mallet: Marc Edward Heuck

Elvis: Phil Porter

Elvis: Matt McDonald

Marc Edward Heuck: Marc played the crusty but benign P.I. Jake Mallet. Marc is a film historian best known as the Movie Geek from Comedy Central's "Beat the Geeks." He can be found on Twitter @the_hoyk and read at [The Projector Has Been Drinking] (http://projectorhasbeendrinking.blogspot.com)

If you like the show, please share it with friends!! Just tell them to go to www.squatchsmashers.com. They can get everything there. Contact info, merchandise, show credits.

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Now everyone go have a beverage. And thanks for listening.

Squatch Smashers was created, produced, and edited by Darren Esler

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